Student Services

This team aims:

  • To support staff and students with effective problem solving and planning about student welfare issues (physical, social, behavioural, emotional, academic).
  • To enable staff to access information relating to student welfare.
  • To enable staff to improve their skills to manage student welfare and offer support to them while they do this.
  • To access specialist support to supplement school resources for dealing with welfare issues.

Members of the Student Services Team include:

Principal, Deputy Principals, Manager Student Services, Year Coordinators, School Nurse, School Psychologist, School Chaplain, Aboriginal and Islander Education Officer (AIEO).


The School Psychologist works with individuals and groups to help the school maintain and improve positive behaviour, mental and emotional health and effective learning. The School Psychologist can be contacted by telephoning the school.


The School Chaplain is provided through YouthCare and funded by the Commonwealth Government, local churches and the school. The main focus of the School Chaplain is to support all members of the school community - students, parents and staff. While encouraging the physical, spiritual, social and mental development of all students, the Chaplain seeks to ensure students feel a sense of worth and ensure their school years are a positive experience.


The School Nurse is a community nurse registered with the Nurses Board of WA  and is based at the Health Centre situated within the school campus. School Nurses are part of a community team in association with other primaryhealth care professionals. The main focus of the nurses' role is to foster self responsibility so that students can begin to take control over their own health. Teachers and parents are encouraged to discuss any concerns they may have about a students' health and personal adjustment.


The AIEO facilitates discussions between parents, students and teachers and provides a point of contact within the school for the Aboriginal community. The AIEO also monitors attendance of Aboriginal and Islander students and assists in the classroom.